"What are your CURRENT Mental Health Concerns?"
- Currently I am diagnosed, and being treated with, several Mental Health concerns. My most prominent issues as of lately are my Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and my Bipolar 1 Disorder. These two diagnoses are hard to deal with on their own, and together they bring a sort of new challenge that can be hard to face. I will most likely be on meds for the rest of my life. Bipolar 1 is not something that can change overnight. And it may never get better (or worse). Bipolar, being a more "inherit" and "chronic" condition, doesn't allow much ability to get better necessarily. I will never not have Bipolar 1 Disorder. As for my BPD, I have a very interesting amount of knowledge on the matter. From the research I have done, and the books I have read, I do understand that most Personality Disorders in general do not face chronic, or life-long consequences or behaviors. They can, and with therapy, most often do improve with time and effort.
"How can I start my Road to Recovery?"
- You are already doing your best by asking. I think the hardest part is asking yourself "How can I do this" and "Do I actually need this?". Because, if you are at that point where you can't find your way out, you most likely are in need of some assistance. Whether that be psychiatric medications, therapy, or inpatient treatment there are options for everyone and for every problem. No one is too complex or complicated, and everyone deserves their chance at recovery and success. Happiness may be far now, but it can only get closer with time.